Using statistics in your fundraising appeals and grant applications could make a big difference in your results. Very specific facts and figures concerning the status of homeless pets in your area, what your shelter or rescue has accomplished in the past, and what your goals are may generate more funds for your shelter. Make your appeals more powerful using the following ideas.
Spay / neuter fund
How many pets are euthanized each year in your shelter
Number of pets spayed / neutered in past year at your shelter
Number of spay / neuter procedures you’d like to perform on special Saturday openings for low income residents
Estimate of owned pets who haven’t been spayed or neutered
Percent of pets taken in to shelter who haven’t been spayed or neutered
Your spay / neuter goal in coming year
Donation of $250 will pay for how many spay and / or neuter procedures
One spayed or neutered pet prevents how many homeless pets
Fundraisers to help offset increased costs due to foreclosures and abandoned pets
Number of pets abandoned or taken to shelter due to foreclosure this year
Increase in number of pets surrendered this year compared to last year
Pet food drive
Pet food (in pounds) your shelter has distributed to pet food pantries in the area
Donation of $100 will provide how many days food for cats or dogs
Helping low-income seniors
Number of pets surrendered by seniors unable to care for them any more
Number of low income senior citizens who currently receive pet food and veterinary care for their pets
Number of seniors’ pets who could be fed if we reach our goal of XXX
Mobile unit fundraiser
Number of pets served in past year by your mobile van
Amount needed to purchase a mobile van
Microchip fundraiser
How many animals taken in last year had no microchip
$100 would pay for how many pets to be microchipped
Amount spent on specialized veterinary care in the past year