Have you started researching grant possibilities for the new year? Following are five foundations and charities you should check out. If you qualify for any of these, assign someone at your shelter or rescue the task of applying within the specified timeframes and guidelines.
VCA Animal Hospitals operates VCA Charities to support animal in need. Go to the VCA Charities page to read about the many programs they support and click the “grant application link” from this page.
Banfield Pet Hospital helps financially challenged pet owners and their pets with veterinary services and pet food so pets can stay with their owners. Read more at the Banfield Charitable Trust FAQ page and link to grant information from this page.
The Millan Foundation provides financial support to assist non-profit animal shelters and organizations engaged in the rescuing, rehabilitation, and re-homing of abused and abandoned dogs. Funding programs for spaying and neutering to help reduce or eliminate dog overpopulation are a priority for the foundation. A preference is given in consideration for funding to organizations that do not euthanize healthy, adoptable animals.
PetSmart Charities® partners with and supports thousands of animal-welfare agencies across North America. According to their website, we support programs that help fight homeless pet overpopulation and improve the quality of life of pets through adoptions, spay/neuter and emergency relief. Also see the Grants page for PetSmart charities to link to different grants your rescue or shelter may qualify for.
American Animal Hospital Association offers a Helping Pets Fund. The website explains the mission of the fund:
The AAHA Helping Pets Fund provides financial assistance through AAHA-accredited veterinary practices for emergency and non-elective veterinary care. We can help in three types of cases:
• When a pet owner is receiving certain forms of government assistance for low-income individuals
• When a pet owner experiences a temporary financial hardship
• When a veterinary practice acts as a Good Samaritan and no pet owner exists
From this page link to the guidelines for grant seekers.