If you’re thinking about starting a spay-neuter clinic or maybe you need to expand the clinic you already have, here are some ideas you can use.
Best Friends has extensive Spay-Neuter Resources including links to:
– Nine Model Programs for Highly Successful Spay/Neuter, a 10-page publication with brief profiles of successful programs to help you explore the different types of programs and how they work.
– How to Start A Spay/Neuter Program. Assessing the needs of your community, working with local veterinarians, sample forms.
– Mobile Spay/Neuter Clinic Operations. Based on a study of many vans in operation across the U.S., this is a profile of some of the most successful mobile spay/neuter vans. It includes a model budget and plan.
– Public Funding for Spay/Neuter. This 14-page document outlines a number of creative ways to get public funding for your spay/neuter projects.
– Remote Area Medical Veterinary Spay/Neuter Clinic Manual. This manual includes almost every resource needed to set up and run a mobile spay/neuter clinic. You’ll find forms, letters, job descriptions, anesthesia protocols and more.
You can also download and print out clever posters about spay neuter.
Alley Cat Allies is an excellent resource for spaying and neutering feral cats. How to conduct TNR (trap, neuter, release) is explained in detail. Care for Cats will link you to the information on this site including how to conduct trapping, neutering, and return; providing care for outdoor cats; starting an organization for dealing with feral cats and their colonies; organizing and involving the community, funding, and more. This site offers extensive information; definitely spend some time here.
Spay USA offers resources about spay-neuter such as operating mobile clinics, sterilization methods, etc.
Read an earlier post on Getting the Word Out About Spay Neuter Programs. That post includes a reference to the study Motivators and Barriers for Pet Adoption and Spay Neuter which gives insight into the perception of pet owners about using spay-neuter clinics versus veterinarian-owned facilities, how to communicate to the public, etc.