Grants to help homeless pets and animal shelters could be a great financial boost. Following are more grant sources for animal shelters and animal rescue groups. Link to previous grant articles at the bottom of this post.
Grocery Stores
Local grocery stores can be a source of grant money. Find out if any of your local groceries have foundations or funds you can tap into.
Do you live near Smith’s Food & Drug Store? If you have one of the Fresh Values Cards, you can link to the Pet Club at the check stand and accumulate points. You save money on pet supplies, and Smith’s donates $1 to local animal support organizations for every $100 members spend on their pet supplies. Read how this works in the article Smith’s Donates $55,000 to Pet Loving Agencies. The article describes the recent donation of $55,000 to animal rescue groups in Utah, including the Search and Service program of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah. Shelters can encourage animal lovers in the community to use these cards when they shop.
Smith’s is part of the Kroger chain. See Kroger’s Charitable Giving page. Many different store names operate within the Kroger company, including Smith’s, City Market, Ralph’s, and many more. Talk to the managers of the grocery stores in your area to learn if there are any grant opportunities you could apply for. If the manager doesn’t know, contact the division office of that store. The division offices of Kroger are here.
Whether it’s a Kroger store or other chain, grocery chains often offer to fund in the communities they serve. Check out the grocery stores in your area for possibilities.
ASPCA Grants
The ASPCA offers grants to qualifying organizations for disaster recovery and preparedness, costs associated with large seizures of animals, spay/neuter programs, adoption programs, and more. Review the ASPCA Grants page for details, limitations on states, etc. Most grants range between $500 and $5,000.
Animal Assistance Foundation
Read the Grant Guidelines for the Animal Assistance Foundation. This foundation makes two kinds of grants in the state of Colorado only:
— Model State Grants fund projects that support the Foundation’s mission to make Colorado exemplary in animal welfare.
— Service Grants fund only medical services (non-chronic treatments) to animals in the shelter/rescue system prior to adoption. They require matching dollars from the grantee.
Petfinder Foundation
Petfinder Foundation offers disaster fund grants. “Disaster fund grants can provide support with repairs to a damaged facility, expenses caring for displaced animals, or other needs associated with your organization’s response to a significant man-made or natural disaster. shelter and rescue members are eligible to receive disaster fund grants during and after a disaster strikes.”
Fill out the Disaster Fund Grant Request Form. Grants awarded usually range between $200 and $2,000.
The Foundation awarded $134,023.00 in disaster preparedness grants in 2008 to over 31 animal welfare organizations. Grants for generators, animal transport, records management and many other disaster-specific needs were made.
More Local Grants
If you live in Dallas, the Metroplex Animal Coalition (MAC) offers the Patt Davis Memorial Spay/Neuter Program. This is a free program for City of Dallas residents with incomes below $35,000/year who don’t receive public assistance.
The City of Dallas Spay/Neuter Subsidy Program is free for City Of Dallas citizens on public assistance. Check this page for details on how this program works and who can apply. This program supports the spay/neuter law effective October 25, 2008, that all dogs and cats in the City of Dallas must either be spayed/neutered or may remain intact with an Intact Animal Permit.