23 severely neglected dogs puppies rescued from TN trailer

You are currently viewing 23 severely neglected dogs  puppies rescued from TN trailer
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The Rescue Mission

On a sunny day in April 2022, a team of animal rescue workers from the ARC (Animal Rescue Corps) embarked on a mission to rescue 23 dogs and puppies from a trailer in Tennessee. The team, equipped with specialized gear and expertise, was determined to save these animals from the dire conditions they were facing.

The Conditions

The trailer, located in a rural area, was found to be in a state of severe neglect. The dogs were suffering from internal and external parasites, including fleas and ticks, which were causing them immense discomfort and pain. Additionally, the high ammonia levels in the trailer were taking a toll on the animals’ health, causing respiratory problems and other issues. The trailer was found to be in a state of disarray, with dirty bedding, food, and water scattered everywhere. The dogs were living in a small, cramped space with no adequate ventilation. The owners of the trailer were nowhere to be found, leaving the animals to fend for themselves.

The Rescue

The ARC team, led by experienced animal rescue workers, carefully entered the trailer and began the process of rescuing the dogs.

The dogs will then be placed in foster homes until a permanent home is found.

The Journey Begins

The dogs were transported from the property in a specially designed trailer, equipped with food, water, and comfortable bedding. The trailer was driven by a team of experienced animal transporters who ensured the dogs’ safety and comfort throughout the journey. The dogs were loaded into the trailer in the early morning hours, when the weather was calm and the roads were less congested. The transport team consisted of two experienced animal transporters, who were trained to handle the dogs with care and attention.

To donate or volunteer to help these dogs and puppies and other animals in need, visit animalrescuecorps.org”

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